Facilities Planning Information - Building Utilization

In the next 50 years, projections show our community’s makeup will look very different. Looking at data provided by the Center for Economic Development and Business Research, assuming no intervention, the McPherson County birth rate is declining by ⅓ which will drastically impact the number of students we have per building. This is illustrated in the first photo below.

We also face utilization challenges. Right now, three elementary schools are under 60% capacity.

Using the current 2070 projections, no USD 418 building will be more than two-thirds full. This is illustrated in the second photo below.

Both of the facilities options presented for feedback suggest selling at least one building to help improve efficiency in light of this data. Determining the correct number of buildings is a decision that the Board does not take lightly. They are evaluating the historic and sentimental significance of these buildings as well as fiscal responsibility and feasibility of selling property. Survey responses will be an important part of this discussion.

Building utilization and McPherson’s changing demographics make up one factor in a complex facilities puzzle. Learn more about the challenges to consider, and complete the survey to provide your input: 418facilitiesplanning.com