Upcoming: Parents Meeting for Student Athletes

The meeting will begin with a general session with MHS Activities Director Shane Backhus, and MMS Activities Director Ron Orsak, that all parents of any athlete, regardless of season, should attend. 

Topics will include student eligibility guidelines, safety & concussion management, substance abuse policy, conflict of interest policy, booster club information, and other KSHSAA and USD 418
guidelines. The activities directors will also be available to answer any questions parents may have about participating in a school sponsored activity.
New this year will be Bullpup door prizes for those in attendance and information on discounted family passes to MHS events!

Following the general session, the fall coaches (football, volleyball, cross country, girl’s tennis & boy’s soccer) of both MHS and MMS will have breakout sessions with parents regarding their up-coming sports seasons, which begin on August 15th.